Highlights Do for Hair
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What Do Highlights Do for Hair?

Hair highlights are a fashionable hair coloring method used to add depth and dimension to the hair by lightening particular strands. They comprise of coloring segments of hair with a shade a bit lighter than the natural hair color. Highlights can be applied to natural and dyed hair to achieve different effects. Below is what highlights can do for hair:

Enhances Texture and Depth

Highlights break up the humdrum of a singular hair color, producing contrast and texture. They add movement and dimension to the hair, making it look more dynamical and captivating.

Brightens the Face

When cleverly placed around the face, highlights can perk up the complexion and brings attention to particular facial features.

Creates a Sun-Kissed Appearance

Lightening particular strands simulates the natural lightening effect that the sun has on hair, producing a sun-kissed appearance.

Blending Gray Hair

For individuals with graying hair, highlights can help by blending the gray tufts with the natural hair color, providing a more smooth transition throughout the growing-out process.

Low Maintenance Alternative

In comparison to a full hair dye, highlights can be a lower maintenance alternative. As the hair grows, the roots are less obvious because the color change is less extreme.


Highlights can be tailor-made to suit individual tastes. They can be placed here and there on the hair for a scattered effect or focused in specific areas for a bolder appearance.

Optical Illusion

When done expertly, highlights can be used to outline the face visually. Lighter strands near the face can give the illusion of a slimmer look.

Experiment with Hair Colors

Highlights offer the chance to play with different hair colors without committing to a complete head of color. This is particularly useful for those that are uncertain about a drastic change.

Complementary Hairstyles

Highlights can complement different hairstyles and haircuts, beautifying the general look.

Voice Individual Style

By choosing various colors and placement, individuals can voice their individual style and personality using their hair.

In Conclusion

It’s vital to have highlights done by a professional hairstylist to come to the desired effect and reduce the risk of damage to the hair. Routine maintenance and appropriate hair care are also vital to keep the highlights looking dynamic and healthy.

Hair By Nassi Offers Hair Highlights In Mesa & Scottsdale

Looking for Hair Highlights in Mesa or Scottsdale? Hair by Nassi can help! Contact us today for a free consultation.

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